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OS/Windows 8(midori)

Windows 8 = "128BIT" ?!!!!!

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Windows 7 is due to launch in just two weeks time, but Microsoft have been working on its immediate and distant successors for some time now.  Details about so-called Windows 8 and Windows 9 (perhaps unlikely to be their real release titles) have emerged thanks to a LinkedIn profile of one of the team members involved.  According to that developer, Robert Morgan, Windows 8 and 9 will both have some degree of 128-bit architecture compatibility, with the latter OS definitely supporting IA-128.

“Working in high security department for research and development involving strategic planning for medium and longterm projects. Research & Development projects including 128bit architecture compatibility with the Windows 8 kernel and Windows 9 project plan. Forming relationships with major partners: Intel, AMD, HP, and IBM.

Robert Morgan is working to get IA-128 working backwards with full binary compatibility on the existing IA-64 instructions in the hardware simulation to work for Windows 8 and definitely Windows 9.”

This is surprising, because Microsoft was expected to make Windows 8 64-bit only.  That would follow on from Windows Server 2008 R2, which is 64-bit.  Windows 8 may not be fully 128-bit ready – after all, Morgan only says they’re working on full binary compatibility.

For end-users, Windows 8 should bring with it a new, improved hybernate/resume system, a new remote desktop system, and new security features including a PatchGuard follow-on.  However there’s a pretty long wait for the new OS; Windows 8 isn’t expected to arrive until 2011 or, more likely, 2012.

[via Ars Technica]




Windows 8이 128비트로 나온다는것이 솔직히 믿기지가 않습니다. 64비트에서 128비트라... 과연 128비트 처리가 나올수는 있을까요.. CPU계의 혼란과, CPU업체들간의 치열한 경쟁이 예상되는 가운데, Windows 8은 개발된답니다...

그런데, '2012'까지 128BIT가 나올수는 있을까요? 아무리 같이 계획을 한다고 하겠지만, 한계는 있습니다. 솔직히 32비트에서 64비트로 아직 20%도 넘어가지 않은 상태에서 128bit를 개발한다는 것은 무모한 짓이죠. 그래도 서버돌리는 곳 등에는 많이 사용될 것 같네요. - 처리속도는 빠르니까.

과연 명령문, 프로그램 구조 등이 다 어떻게 바뀔까요? 의문입니다.

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